My name is Caroline Navega Martins and I’m a senior at Florida State University. I’m
majoring in International Affairs with a focus on Sociology. Being a Latina has always been a big
part of my identity. I grew up in a Brazilian household in a predominantly Hispanic and Latinx
neighborhood. My parents immigrated here from Brazil but they never let go of their culture. We
spoke Portuguese at home and celebrated every traditional holiday even if we were so far away
from Brazil. I love being Brazilian because it is such a unique and vibrant culture. While I don’t
live in Brazil now, I will always have pride for my culture.
When I got to Florida State, I wanted to get involved with my community. I have been in
the Hispanic/Latinx Student Union (HLSU) since my freshman year. I was a member for two
years and then became a Programming Coordinator last year. This year, I now serve as the
Assistant Director for HLSU. During my time in HLSU, I have learned so much about not only
my culture but others as well. I’ve learned about the similarities and differences that make our
cultures so unique. As a leader in HLSU, it is my job to make sure that all these aspects of our
culture are represented and that everyone’s voices are heard. This Hispanic Heritage Month, we
decided on the theme of Unidos. Unidos refers to Unity through Diversity. We want to focus on
the different identities we hold and how those intersect with each other and make us the people
we are today. We all have a story to tell and this month we encourage you to not only share your
story but also to listen to others. Unidos means something different to all of us and I encourage
you to find out what it means to you.
-Caroline Navega Martins, PC 20